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Writer's pictureIlinca Moisa


Updated: Feb 26, 2021

The whole process of coming up with design ideas, as well as names for the 2 books was quite long, (a couple of days) but I am very pleased with how everything came out. I created the design and edit of the book covers mostly using PicsArt, an app which allows you to create any type of digital design. Below you can see my first book cover, the fiction book (-romance novel):

When looking through the photos from my preliminary photoshoot, I chose this one because I thought it was the most fitting for a romance novel. The model is sitting on a bed, covered in velvet sheets. Her facial expression and hand placement hint at the title that I came up with ( Words Left Unspoken). Her face is not shown completely, in order for the audience to be able to associate themselves with her. The subtitle is supposed to intrigue the customers and make them curious about the book, as well as to suggest the plot. I added "New York Times Bestseller" on the bottom in order to make the cover look more professional and to attract the eye's of the customers. I chose name of the author randomly. For the text placement, I looked at other romance novels book cover designs and took my inspiration from those. I played with the fonts, shadow of the text and opacity, in such a way that when a customer looks at the book, the title is the first thing that they notice. The fonts chosen for the title are a mix of modern and classical, just like a romance novel. For the photo edit, I played with saturation, exposure, definition and vibrance, using the Iphone editing tools. I added the blurred effect at the lower half of the photo in order to add another element and to make the cover look more aesthetically pleasing, as well as to make the title the focal point.

One mistake that I have noticed was writing each other as one word ('eachother'- in the subtitle). From this, I've learned that in the future I need to pay more attention to these sort of details, in order to create a very professional project.

Below you can see my second book cover, the non-fiction book (-handbook/tips and tricks)

While looking through the photos from my preliminary photoshoot, I saw this particular photo and felt inspired to do a Dining Etiquette book. I expanded the top and bottom of the photo using an app called Snapseed and their 'expand' effect.I added a faded effect on the photo, as well as warmth and vibrance, using an editing app called VSCO. The subtitle is meant to offer a glimpse of the content of the book, as well as to intrigue the audience. I chose the author's name randomly. The fonts chosen for the title are both very classical and elegant, as the content of the book. I added the smoke effect to the lower half of the picture in order to make the text stand out more and to make the cover look more attractive to the eye and professional. The model is wearing a silk top, in order to look more classy and put together. The bottle of alcohol as well as the jar of mushrooms are all elements hinting at eating, setting up the table, serving guests and many other things which go hand in hand with the topic of dining etiquette. The model's face isn't shown completely since the focus should be on the elements which I mentioned and on the title of the book.

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