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Writer's pictureIlinca Moisa


Updated: May 12, 2021

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have already decided which photo to use as the main image for the front cover of my magazine. Thus, I began creating the cover using Adobe Photoshop. The reason why I did not use Adobe Illustrator is because I had done some try-outs in both of these two softwares to get used to them and to get a feel of what working with them is like and I came to the conclusion that I prefer working in Photoshop. But, I know that many people disagree, therefore it was just a personal preference.

The photo which I had chosen was already edited. I talked about its editing process in my previous post.



As you can see, my main difficulty was choosing the colour of my magazine's title: The Inner Style Issue. But, after asking for feedback from colleagues, friends and my teacher, I decided upon using black for the words 'The' and 'Issue'. As for the words 'INNER STYLE', I chose upon a light green colour, which I felt made the text pop. The fonts used for this cover were very elegant, yet classy. All of them were chosen together with my teammate, Ana. I also added a barcode, which I personalised online, to make my cover resemble a real one as much as possible. Under the masthead, I wrote the month of this issue, May 2021. On the left side of the masthead I added Sylk Magazine's Instagram account name, to make it easier for our audience to find us on social media. After having finished everything in regards to the layout, I felt like the way in which I cut the masthead did not look professional enough. Therefore I restored the masthead to its original form and used the 'magic wand' tool in order to select every piece of hair which intersected with the masthead. Then, I simply erased the parts which I did not need and was very satisfied with the result. Lastly, I used the 'clone stamp' tool and the 'spot healing' tool to erase any imperfections that I had missed when first editing the photo.



*This is a JPEG version of the cover*

I am extremely happy with how the cover turned out and I feel like I achieved what I had wanted: to make it eye-catching and attractive to the audience, while giving off an elegant and stylish vibe (the Sylk brand image). I believe that I managed to make it look like a real magazine cover, which I am very proud of. Although the whole process took quite a lot of time, I loved every step of it and I am very excited to continue creating the rest of the magazine !

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