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Writer's pictureIlinca Moisa


Updated: Feb 25, 2021

As we started the 'planning' part of our coursework, Ana and I came up with the idea of having a different topic and title to each of our Sylk Magazine issues. Also, we want Sylk Magazine to be a monthly magazine so we each chose a month for our issue. I chose may since it is my birth month.I brainstormed for a while and eventually found a topic/title that I loved. My magazine issue will be named Sylk Magazine May 2021: The Inner Style Issue.

The reason why I chose this specific topic is because I feel like embracing your true inner style is something that a majority of people struggle with. Wether that is because of society's stereotypes, the fear of being judged, feeling insecure or afraid of change (or any other reasons) depends on each individual. I believe that this is a highly relevant topic nowadays, especially during this global pandemic. An extremely high number of people have lost their jobs due to the apparition of covid-19. This has lead to many people struggling to find new sources of income and having to decrease their daily expenses significantly. Thus, many aren't able to afford the luxury of buying new clothes. Although some people are seeing this as a challenge to learn to sew in order to create their own clothes for a lot cheaper, others are seeing this as a problem they can't solve. The latter may feel like embracing their inner style and feeling like their true selves in what they are wearing is not one of their top priorities. Also, they might feel judged or pressured by society since a lot of people spent lockdowns shopping online and posting this on the internet. I believe that you can always get creative with the pieces of clothing that you already own or, if you have a small amount of money to spare, you can buy second hand clothing from thrift stores. Therefore, I want my Sylk Magazine issue to inspire people, and women in particular (since they are our target audience) to get creative and to experiment with their clothing in order to find what they feel best in and what describes them the most and therefore, finding their inner style. Whether you have 1000€, 100€, 10€ or none at all to spend on clothing, I wish that my magazine issue will inspire you and make you feel understood. Your style should be a way of showcasing your inner self through what you are wearing. I believe that this quote by Matthew Williamson, a British designer, explains my thoughts in a simpler way: "For me style has something to do with your inner attitude towards clothes and the awareness what sits well on yourself."

I will have multiple photoshoots which would bring my thoughts on this topic and my ideas to life, in visual form. Also, I am planning on taking some of the photos while the models are wearing masks, since they've become a necessity at the moment and an extra accessory which helps in preventing the spread of covid-19.

Although I do have many ideas currently, I have decided to think on it some more and in the meanwhile, to create a Pinterest board dedicated to this. I have also shared it with Ana so that if she sees anything that she thinks I would like, she can easily save it where I can see.

Click here to take a look at my board and to see what concepts I'm envisioning.

Also, you can click here to see Ana's post about what topic she chose for her issue.

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